Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet, Give Me Something Good to DRINK! (Might have switched the saying up to fit the bill, but you get the idea.) Halloween is near,… Continue Reading
Trick or Treat, Smell My Feet, Give Me Something Good to DRINK! (Might have switched the saying up to fit the bill, but you get the idea.) Halloween is near,… Continue Reading
I’ll admit, I’m no gardening expert. My thumbs are far from green, but I do love creating a festive scene on my front porch every Fall. This year, I decided… Continue Reading
It’s time to get nerdy! Believe it or not, somewhere out there someone is throwing a party for a special scientist in their life (bridal shower, birthday party, graduation party)… Continue Reading
Eeeekk! The first day of Autumn is Tuesday, September 22nd and in case you don’t have a calendar handy, that’s this week! The basic white girl inside of me is… Continue Reading
The travel bug…it bit me. It bit me real good. I live for new adventures and crossing new states/countries off my list of places traveled. A goal of mine is… Continue Reading
Down, set, hike! It’s football season! Would it be the start of any new season without a fun dessert? I think not. You don’t have to be a football fan… Continue Reading
Calling all future brides! This is the post for you. Planning a wedding is no easy or cheap task which means finding a balance between buying all the things (easy)… Continue Reading
Without fail, every year, August rolls around, and I am suddenly ready for Fall Sweet Fall. Kids are going back to school, and I’m dreaming about PSLs (pumpkin spiced lattes) and… Continue Reading
Shout out to all the teachers! The underpaid, sometimes undervalued, educators of our youth. Consistently showing up to impart their wisdom, compassion, and love to their students whether they feel appreciated… Continue Reading
David and I are really lucky. We both have great jobs with wonderful perks! One of those perks for David’s position is an annual trip to a typically tropical location to celebrate… Continue Reading