Summer Holidays! First Day of Summer, Father’s Day, 4th of July, oh my! Summer has so many festive occasions packed into a few short, fun-filled weeks and I. AM. THRIVING! Remember that part where I told you I think every occasion deserves to be celebrated? I stand behind that even more so in the summer!

Of course everyone celebrates the major summer holiday, Independence Day! But I think the Summer Solstice shouldn’t be overlooked…it’s the official start to most people’s favorite season after all! This year, summer begins on Saturday, June 20th. What’s a better way to celebrate than with Sun Cinnamon Rolls?!

I used Pillsbury Orange Rolls for this sweet treat! Not only do they taste good, but they give the “sun” the right color too!

Unravel and cut the roll to create “rays” for the sun. You might also need to use parts of another roll to make enough rays to look like a sun.

Pop them in the oven and bake according to the package directions. Decorate with the orange icing and add yellow sprinkles for some shine! Make these on June 20th and you will be starting your summer off on the right foot!

Next up in our summer holiday line up is Father’s Day which falls on Sunday, June 21st. A day to thank your dad for teaching you how to throw a ball, change a tire, and being someone you can call when you have a squirrel living in your wall (I wish this wasn’t a true story)! If you are lucky enough to celebrate with your pops, I hope you give him a big squeeze and a thoughtful gift on his special day! That’s what I plan on doing anyways! My dad LOVES popsicles, Bomb Pops specifically! Can’t say I blame the man because they are quite tasty! I bought him a box and attached a note that reads “You’re the Bomb, Pops!” We all know how much dads love a good pun!

I used the same idea for a box of popcorn. These gifts will make Father’s Day poppin’! (Sorry, I had to.) 

On to the big shabang…quite literally! This year, July 4th lands on a Saturday! Ideal situation. Pool parties will fill the neighborhoods, hot dogs will be on the grills, and families will gather for impressive firework displays when the sun sets! I love making festive 4th of July treats, and this year is no exception. Refer to my previous post for super fun and healthy Rocket Ship fruit kabobs that are perfect for Independence Day! If you want something a little more decadent, ‘Merica S’mores are just for you! Literally the easiest (and most interactive!) dessert you can make while getting ready for the evening fireworks! 

You know the routine of how to make S’mores so I won’t bore you with that. This time use Hershey’s Red, White, & Blue Chocolate bars to add that patriotic pizzazz to your treat! If you really want to get fancy, use these chocolate bars to make 4th of July chocolate covered strawberries! FESTIVE!

You officially have every summer occasion taken care of! Now is the time to hop off your phone/tablet/computer and get outside to enjoy this wonderful time of year (& and all of the holidays that come with it!)

Chat soon!


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